Sydney media invite

Cracking the genetic code of bipolar disorder
Federal Health Minister, mental health champions & researchers appealing for
5,000 Aussie volunteers for world’s largest genetic bipolar disorder investigation
Join the Federal Health Minister, former NRL player & study ambassador Dan Hunt, geneticist & study co-Investigator, Professor Nick Martin, Professor Nicholas Glozier, psychiatrist & patients tomorrow (Tuesday, November 20), for the launch of the world’s largest genetic investigation into bipolar disorder, at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices, Bligh Street, Sydney.
The ground-breaking Australian Genetics of Bipolar Disorder Study aims to identify the genes that predispose people to bipolar disorder & how they respond to medication, in order to develop more effective, personalised treatments, & ultimately, find a cure for the illness1.
Approximately one in 50 Australians (1.8 per cent) will experience bipolar disorder during their lifetime2. The complex disorder, which occurs commonly in families, typically results from a combination of genetic and environmental influences2. Those living with bipolar disorder also carry a 15 times greater risk of suicide than the general population, accounting for up to 25 per cent of all suicides2.
To learn why identification of the genes that predispose people to bipolar disorder will revolutionise future research into the causes, treatment and prevention of the illness1, attend our doorstop interviews in Sydney tomorrow.
Doorstop interviews, photo & vision opportunities to mark the Australian Genetics of Bipolar Disorder Study launch
Federal Health Minister, study ambassador, co-Investigator, psychologist & patients
The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health, whose mother lived with bipolar disorder
Dan Hunt, Former NRL Player, mental health advocate & founder, Mental Health Movement, proudly managing bipolar II disorder
Prof Nick Martin, co-Investigator, Australian Genetics of Bipolar Disorder Study & Head, Genetic Epidemiology Laboratory, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
Prof Nicholas Glozier, Professor of Psychological Medicine Psychiatry, Sydney Brain & Mind Centre
Alex, 21, childcare worker & musician who was diagnosed with bipolar I disorder at 16 years of age
Bek, 46, HR business partner, wife & fitness enthusiast who has been managing bipolar disorder for more than 20 years
Tuesday, November 20, 2018: arrive 9:00am for strict 9:15am start - 10:00am
South Balcony (enclosed), Level 21, Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices, 1 Bligh Street, SYDNEY
Media without TV equipment to present to building concierge in foyer
Media with TV equipment to present to building security office via driveway on O’Connell Street
Park in Wilson Parking – 2A Bligh Street & 1 O’Connell Street
7 Network SYDNEY – please record & ask Ch 7 in your capital city to on-pass, if an affiliate
Kirsten Bruce or Holly Hamilton, VIVA! Communications
0401 717 566 / 0434 799 839

- The Australian Genetics of Bipolar Disorder Study. Available at [last accessed July, 2018].
- Black Dog Institute. Clinical Resources; Bipolar Disorder; What is Bipolar Disorder. Available at: [last accessed July, 2018].